Generál Patton byl odjakživa milovníkem zvířat a výborný kavalerista. Svého prvního anglického bulteriera pořídil svým dcerám a jmenoval se Tank. Posledním "bulíčkem", kterého vlastnil, se stal Willie. Bílý pes s černým čumákem pojmenovaný po Vilému Dobyvateli, doprovázel generála všude. Dokonce se účastnil i jeho cesty po Evropě při osobozování. Generál Patton zemřel krátce po skončení války ještě v Německu při automobilové nehodě. Willie truchlil nad jeho smrtí, jakoby věděl, co se stalo. Byl poslán spolu s věcmi generála zpět do Californie k Pattonově rodině.
General Patton was always an animal lover and good cavalryman. He bought his first English Bull Terrier to his daughters. His name was Tank. The last "Bullie" which he owned, was Willie. A white dog with a black nose was named after William the Conqueror, accompanied general everywhere. He participated with general in a trip around Europe during the liberation. General Patton died shortly after the end of war in Germany during an automobile accident. Willie mourned his death, as if he knew what had happened. He was sent along with the general's belongings back to California to Patton's family.
General Patton was always an animal lover and good cavalryman. He bought his first English Bull Terrier to his daughters. His name was Tank. The last "Bullie" which he owned, was Willie. A white dog with a black nose was named after William the Conqueror, accompanied general everywhere. He participated with general in a trip around Europe during the liberation. General Patton died shortly after the end of war in Germany during an automobile accident. Willie mourned his death, as if he knew what had happened. He was sent along with the general's belongings back to California to Patton's family.
Generál Patton a jeho pes Willie